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Conférence : "Transition to open and on-line education in European universities" (24-25 Octobre)

lundi 21 octobre 2013.

Cette conférence, organisée par la Fédération Interuniversitaire de l’Enseignement à Distance (FIED), aura pour thématique la transition, dans les universités européennes, vers une éducation ouverte et en ligne : "Transition to open and on-line education in European universities".

Cette thématique est liée à différents aspects :
 Aspect national et institutionnel de l’éducation "ouverte".
 Le modèle institutionnel des cours en ligne ou en semi-présentiel, le développement des curricula et leurs réalisations.
 Les innovations technologiques permettant d’améliorer l’apprentissage dans le futur.
 La garantie de la qualité de l’apprentissage en ligne et à distance.

Cette conférence aura lieu du 24 octobre 2013 au 25 octobre 2013 à Paris et sera animée par :
 David Atchoarena,
Director of the Division for Education Strategies and Capacity Building at UNESCO Online and flexible education in the global development of higher education systems.

 Fred Mulder,
professor at the Open Universiteit the Netherlands, holds the UNESCO chair for Open Educational Resources OpenupEd as a European answer on MOOCs : a student centred approach.

 Diana Laurillard,
Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies in the Faculty of Culture and Pedagogy, and Assistant Director for Open Mode Learning at the London Knowledge Lab Teaching as a design science. The collaborative development of models for online and blended teaching and learning.

 Will Swann,
head of the Student Services Unit at the Open University United Kingdom (retired)
Presidential address : Empowering European universities in their transition to online education and opening up education

 Antoine Rauzy,
Executive Committee of FIED “Models of online and distance learning in French universities. Good practices and outline for the future”.

 Maria Amata Garito,
President and Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. A Strategy for Europe in the Age of the Knowledge Society : Building New Knowledge Networks among Traditional and Distance Universities. New Internet-based Contents for a Global Labour Market.

 Patrick McAndrew,
Professor of Open Education, Institute of Educational Technology, the Open University UK Educational design and innovative pedagogies for open and online teaching and learning.

 Erik Duval,
professor KU Leuven, chair of the research unit on human-computer interaction The transformation of higher education and the role of learning analytics

 Sir John Daniel (former President and C.E.O. of the Commonwealth of Learning) & Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić (former Chief of the Higher Education Section of UNESCO) Do MOOCs announce a new paradigm for higher education ?

 Yves Punie, senior scientist in the Information Society Unit, leading the IPTS research and policy activities on "ICT for Learning and Skilling". Foresights on Open Education 2030.


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