Cette conférence, organisée par la Fédération Interuniversitaire de l’Enseignement à Distance (FIED), aura pour thématique la transition, dans les universités européennes, vers une éducation ouverte et en ligne : "Transition to open and on-line education in European universities".
Cette thématique est liée à différents aspects :
– Aspect national et institutionnel de l’éducation "ouverte".
– Le modèle institutionnel des cours en ligne ou en semi-présentiel, le développement des curricula et leurs réalisations.
– Les innovations technologiques permettant d’améliorer l’apprentissage dans le futur.
– La garantie de la qualité de l’apprentissage en ligne et à distance.
Cette conférence aura lieu du 24 octobre 2013 au 25 octobre 2013 à Paris et sera animée par :
– David Atchoarena,
Director of the Division for Education Strategies and Capacity Building at UNESCO Online and flexible education in the global development of higher education systems.
– Fred Mulder,
professor at the Open Universiteit the Netherlands, holds the UNESCO chair for Open Educational Resources OpenupEd as a European answer on MOOCs : a student centred approach.
– Diana Laurillard,
Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies in the Faculty of Culture and Pedagogy, and Assistant Director for Open Mode Learning at the London Knowledge Lab Teaching as a design science. The collaborative development of models for online and blended teaching and learning.
– Will Swann,
head of the Student Services Unit at the Open University United Kingdom (retired)
Presidential address : Empowering European universities in their transition to online education and opening up education
– Antoine Rauzy,
Executive Committee of FIED “Models of online and distance learning in French universities. Good practices and outline for the future”.
– Maria Amata Garito,
President and Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. A Strategy for Europe in the Age of the Knowledge Society : Building New Knowledge Networks among Traditional and Distance Universities. New Internet-based Contents for a Global Labour Market.
– Patrick McAndrew,
Professor of Open Education, Institute of Educational Technology, the Open University UK Educational design and innovative pedagogies for open and online teaching and learning.
– Erik Duval,
professor KU Leuven, chair of the research unit on human-computer interaction The transformation of higher education and the role of learning analytics
– Sir John Daniel (former President and C.E.O. of the Commonwealth of Learning) & Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić (former Chief of the Higher Education Section of UNESCO) Do MOOCs announce a new paradigm for higher education ?
– Yves Punie, senior scientist in the Information Society Unit, leading the IPTS research and policy activities on "ICT for Learning and Skilling". Foresights on Open Education 2030.